Thursday, April 2, 2009

Random thoughts from google analytics

As 1st of April was yesterday, and I didn't do any foolish stuff, I thought I can share with you some statistics about my blog.

Yes, I am tracking my blog... who knows, maybe if I got enough "clicks", I can ask for advertisements and i will get rich :D

Anyways, first thing we could see from the google analytics is the Map overlay.

It shows your visitors from all over the world.
What a surprise, that I have the most visitors from Hungary and Switzerland ;)

The second thing I check are the key words... the one that one put in search , and than my blog is the referal site...

just "google" going out in Geneva...
my blog is the second hit...

more important... if you type: beautiful camerunian girls, my blog is the first hit (after the ones that are paid advertisements..)

So that would explain why I have visitors from Cameroon...
(of course, you have to miss-spell cameroonian girls to camerunian... ;) )

I found this hilarious... ;)


1 comment:

sarita said...

hahaha, I just found out about the "going out in geneva thing" because I was looking for a website and came here to tell you ;-)
btw, where that beautiful picture from? I want to go there! :)