Ok, I don't want to write a lot about it...It's enough, that I was totally freaked out, almost (maybe not...) crying, how will I have money, what is going on with our contract, etc.
The best was, when a man from the workpernit office said: It is not even legal for the 2 hungarians to stay here...
Hungary is EU-member country... What's going on???
So for this statement, we went to the Office Cantonale de la Population...personally...
First they were not that helpful, but we were trickier, so finally, after half an hour begging, shouting, politly asking finally we got the right to start working...
We are still waiting for the workpermit, but it's just a small detail...doesn't matter...
Unbeliveable, the burocracy is almost as bad as in Hungary...
Maybe worst...
So, than we called the boss..He was soooo happy!!!!
Almost as we were... ;)
And finally on Tuesday we could start.
Yes, just for the joke.. on Tuesday at 7:30 in the morning, I got an sms saying that my boss is ill, we won't meet him in the morning, but somebody will take care for us in the office...
Nooo...nothing goes so easily...
But..why not????
Why does it have to be so complicated???
Anyway, on Tuesday, went to the HP...
The company is almost in France...from the office I could see the mountains, which belongs to France... :)))
really...around 5 minutes :)
HP is an american company, so the whole office is a 3-floor building.. I imagined something like Deutsche Post in Bonn... but no... :(
And there are boxes...yeah, that's not the proper expression, I know, just I've forgotten the name of it... anyway, so we are working on boxes, cabins, and I've got a lap top :)
Ok, yeah, it would be weired, if a company wouldn't have given a computer...
I can take it home as well...but it doesn't have so much sense...
The job sounds really nice, challenging, and responsible...
we will see...
And my boss is really cool, funny, lazy, crazy... :)
He remembered everything what I told them on the interview...(maybe because of the records...Móni? :)
And he said, yeah, well, I think, you like working together with people, talking, talking, so I give you 2 projects...
Actually, after 1,5 day "hard working", now I have 2 days off..which is cool...
Today there is a national holiday in Switzerland :)
And Friday is off as well :)
I am wondering what are my friends doing,...final thesis, lots of work, work, work...
HOLD ON!!! :)))
Just a few more days!
And send me photos taken for the yearbook!
I need all...or at least send me the link lateron :)
I would like to be on the photos as well... :((
Anyway...before I cry, I upload 2 pictures about HP :)
Yesterday we went out, to celebrate Diana's birthday! :)
We went to Heaven...which is a very nice place, specially, if u can find it :)
After some minutes in the rain, finally we found it :)
And this is a pub, where u are not allowed to smoke!!!
What a nice idea!!! And there ARE people there, so it worth to the pub :)
It was a good night, until...I sat between a girl from Israel, and a palestin guy.. well...that was interesting.. listening to 2 people, talking with each other about their situation...blow my mind...challenging my worldview...
After a guiness we left the place...because they close at 1!!! or even earlier...
But I am waiting for tomorrow! Vodka and some people, and party!
(Unbeliveable, I am writngi again about the party...:))
(Something has to happen in Heroes 23...it starts being borring and predictable...but House :)
Szerintem nem is unalmas a Heroes!!!!! Mint fanatikus, kikérem magamnak!!!
Egyébként legközelebb olyan képet is rakhatsz fel, amin nem csak Tompi ül a kis boxban, hanem Te is...csak, hogy lássam hol is dolgozol a HP-s laptopodon :).
Sajna még nem tudom hova leszenk felrakva az évkönyves képek, de majd szólunk :)
ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ, és mindenki leadja a diplomáját holnap, és én még itt szopok vele két hétig. Én hülye, miért nem tudtam befejezni időben...
Hát röviden ennyi történt.
Ja és várom az új részt a Heroes-ból :), de közben rászoktam a South Parkra :), és elkezdtem nézni a Dr. House-t is...bakker, olyan sorozatfüggő lettem, mit TE! Megfertőztél :D.
M. :D
Na majd holnap fényképezgetek... mert látnotok kell a kisfőnökömet is.. meg a divatmajmot... :)))
Hallottam a farkas-törvényeket... és akkor most szeptemberben fogsz államvizsgázni?
És kitaláltam... hogy májusban majd hazajövök már, 2008... és Vandi esküvőjére, meg a lánybúcsúra úgyis mindenki lejön, szóval, akkor majd velem is csiánlunk évkönyves képeket!!!!
Igeeen!!! :)))
Móniii....neee...sorozatfüggőségből nehezen lehet kigyógyulni...
nah hello!
Látom itt csak a lányok irogatnak, nem hiába nekünk szóban is mindig könnyebben megy:)
Én is szívesen függnék a neten,de ma egy db sorozatrészlet nem akart lejönni, pedig a múlt héten már nagyon profi voltam belőle:)
Amúgy igen én os szeretném már látni ahogy Havas ott ülsz Tompival szemben, azaz lehetsz egyedül is a képen, na nem bánom:)!
írhatsz ám még a HP-ról, tök jó olvasgatni!
További szép estét, én még megvárom Hodyt, aztán alszom, remélhetőleg végre mélyen...
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