Saturday, September 8, 2007

Traveling from Geneva 3.

For Meiringen and Brig check the previous posts... :)
In Meiringen there was the Sherlock Holmes waterfall... :)

Anyways...unfortunatly no picture available about Zürich...

Ok, I have to admit sth... I can not take photos... (that's also an other funny thing.. I am working @HP at IPG which stands for Imaging and Pringing Groups...) Yes.., it is all about photos...) So, after a while I gave it is not a shame, you have to know your weaknesses... so that's why I am always happy when my friends are coming and they are taking photos instead of me... :))) They have such a great eye for such a things...
So, about Zürich, I am still waiting for Alice's photos... :))

In the meanwhile here are some photos about Geneva:

Ok, Geneva is not just about the Jet d'Eau...but I like it so much... my favorite place in Geneva is behind the Jet d'Eau... what a pitty that is getting cold...
The Fathers of the reformation...
The statue of Bocskay can be founded here also...
My friends were here... That was when 7 ppl were in my small room... :)
The pooor egyptian girl couldn't handle it...and she betrayed us...

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