Monday, July 23, 2007


I decided, I won't be mad or angry or I won't have abad feelings becasue of my flatmates...but commmeeooon.....

oh my god...

So, it started in the very beginning..i haven't moved in yet, just brought some stuff to my new room, when i meet them...2 girls... 1 from Egypt, Heba, the other one half serbian half french, Heba's first question: What is your sign?

I am Taurus...

Her reaction:
Taurus??? Oh...nooooo...(but this shouting...) I am Libra, Vesna is Leo....non of them matches with she left me...


How could she?

She didn't even know me....just my sign???
I mean, yeah of course I admit, I am a Taurus, a real one, who likes in the ground, not really creative, and hate and afraid of changes... (yeah, I know.. i always challenge myself with these changes...but still)



So, after this conversation, Dolphy visited me, and he lived in my new room, while I was still living in my old room. So first he meet them...
And Heba's first question to him was of course: what is your sign?
And it turned out that this also doesn't match to Taurus...and what's more...Heba wanted to convince Dolphy, that this relationship is bad for him...
Hm...friendship not relationship..but still!!!!

I was freaked out...

Ok, I won't mention those little things, when I should always make the dishes, and SHE can just leave all the salats in the sink...doesn't matter... really...

Now Heba is little bit freakd out, because she is writing her thesis now...
so ok, I understand her.. i would be (will be for sure) angry too...

And yesterday, we had dinner together..ands she started to talk about her life...
That she doesn't know what to do, she doesn't know herself, she would like to cry...
She doesn't like what she is doing...etc. now what should I do?
we are now best friends?
What can I say???


So as a good taurus I listened carefully with patience of course.. hihihi

So now everything seems to be ok...

And today she came to me, and said that she is listening the main arab channel, the one that is known as THE terrorist channel in the US. (I don't remember the name of it...)Hmmm...

Now I am a little bit concerned, why did she tell it to me???

She is strange.

Anyway, I am stressed because of her thesis too...the deadline is 6 of August... hope we will survive...


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